Thursday, June 26, 2008

My diet and other things

So, today is kinda hard. I've got the munchies and it's taking everything I have to not snack. I went to the store and bought all the low cal stuff. Some is better than others.

I've started varying my walking. Now, I walk for 10 minutes, then run for 1 and walk for 2, repeating the running and walking for 15 minutes, the cool down for 5 or 10. I'm working towards running for exercise. It's been a while since I've done that. I had a good walk last night and feel pretty good today, even though I only got 6 hours sleep.

On another note, Hayden had his last day of swim lessons. He finally jumped off the diving block into the 10 foot. It took some bribery, but I'm not above that.

I'm around 234 today. I'll update again on Monday or Tuesday.

Keep it real!


Monday, June 23, 2008

It's been 2 weeks.....

It's been 2 weeks since the diet started and I'm down to 236, according to the bathroom scale I bought. I feel pretty good, although I do get tired pretty easily. My body is having to get adjusted to no junk food and sugar.

I haven't gotten to walk in about 3 days, due to a high workload. Let me tell you though. I moved a lot of equipment this past weekend and worked my tail off. I think it evened out.

I plan on making some salmon for supper tonight. I've eaten so much chicken and salmon, I don't know whether to crow or swim.

I'll have wedding reports soon.

take it easy!


Thursday, June 19, 2008

a DIET!!!

So, apparently, I'm in terrible shape. I went to the doctor and had some bloodwork done. Let's run down some of the list:

High blood pressure
Good and bad cholesterol is bad.
She wants me to weigh 191 lbs.

Now, I weighed 243 at her office last week. That means she wants me to lose 52 lbs! I'm going to look like a tall kid with a big head!! Or maybe a thermometer with the bulb end on top. I bought a scale for home and according to it, I'm at 238. She set me a goal of 4 lbs by the next visit. If I can't lose 4 lbs in a month, I've got a huge problem!!!

So, I'm on a 1800 calorie per day diet and I have to walk 1/2 hour every day. I'm doing pretty good on the diet, but my body is craving the junk food and it's killing me!!!

No fast food, no burgers, no hot dogs, no bratwurst, no sodas, no desserts, no get the picture.

I'm going to make this a running report of my progress. I've always felt better when I exercise, I just haven't found the time to go to the gym. We'll see what happens.

I could really use some support in this, as it ain't easy. If you want to drop me some comments or an email of encouragement every once in a while, I'd appreciate it.

Take care and hopefully next time you see me, you'll see less of me!


Tuesday, June 3, 2008

It's been awhile!

OK, there's no excuse for me not posting for 2 months. I apologize. I've had some great events in the last 2 months. First was Scott and Jennifer's wedding at Callaway Gardens. What a great couple and a lot of fun!

I was at Margarita's Mexican Grill for Cinco De Mayo for Karaoke. Great crowd of all ages! They even found room for dancing.

Then I was at the opening of the Heart Institute at the Medical Center on May 10.

May 17, I was at Healy Point Country Club for Melissa and Gibran's Wedding. What a sweet couple!

May 23, a 6th grade dance in Eatonton, due to ages, I won't show faces:

The next day, I got to be a part of Gina and Tim's reception. This is a couple that just oozes love for each other. A refreshing night of R&B, Soul and some Gospel, all tossed into the same mix.

And this past Saturday, I was at the Blacksmith Shop for Kevin and Allison's wedding reception. Again, another great couple, I'm glad I met.

That's it for now. I'll try and do a better job of keeping this up to date, but I've got a busy 2 months ahead of me.

Keep your reputation clean. It's the only one you've got!
