Friday, June 19, 2009

This one's for the DJs.

What are you doing to keep in shape and looking good for your brides? All too often, we can become complacent and not look our best because we may look at it as "just another wedding". Well, it's not. This is the most important day of this girl's life and we are a big part of it.

We all want our gear to look good. We worry about wires, facades, etc. Well, what about you? What have you done recently to better you look? Whether its a haircut, shaving, manicure, what have you done?

Personally, I'm going the exercise route. I mean, I can't get any better looking ( :mrgreen: ) but I could stand to lose the 10 lbs I gained back from last summer. I could also use some more strength and stamina. I found all these things in P90X.

This is not a commercial for P90X. I've been doing it for just 2 days and already feel better. It's a killer workout, that's for sure.

Why am I doing it? Well, mostly for me and my family. I want to be around when my son is older.

For the business? Heck, yeah! Brides are getting younger, I'm not. So, I've got to do what I can to look hip, fun and professional all at the same time. If they see I'm taking care of myself, then they know I'll take care of them.

Find something that works for you. Walk every other day, even once a week, if that's all you can do. Eat smaller portions. Lay off the garbage you eat and eat better!

Let's do what we can to make DJs lose the stigma of being slobs.

you can do it!!!

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