Saturday, January 26, 2013

Making furniture

Ok, so I'm not a master carpenter, but I enjoy building things from time to time. They never come out square or perfect but, generally, it's just what I wanted. Case in point......I wanted an industrial look headboard for my bed. I couldn't find one anywhere! I looked online, at furniture stores, pinterest....nothing! Then I got to can't be too hard to build what I want. So I did! At a cost of less than $50 and several hours time (and some cut hands!) I have my finished headboard. A couple 2x4's and some corrugated metal and voila!! Here it is!


Amy said...

I'd love to do something like this for my teenage son? Any tips?

DKH Entertainment Group said...

Yes! Use more screws in the metal! I used only about 2 per side and it rattles everytime I roll over at night. Other than that, use common sense with power tools and you should be good.

Oh yeah! Measure properly. I made it too wide and had to put filler blocks in it. Really all it is, is 2x4 lumber and corrugated metal. They may can cut it for you at Lowes or Home Depot.

Happy building!!