Tuesday, March 8, 2011

I don't understand the thinking of the Bibb County School Board sometimes.

My son attends Springdale Elementary School here in Macon. For those of you that don't live in Macon, this doesn't apply directly to you. But for those of you who drive on Northside Drive around school hours, this could apply to you.

Last week, the regular crossing guard, who does a great job of directing traffic, was out, so the school had one of the custodians to direct traffic. He was trained to do this and had done it before. He had on an orange vest and had an orange flag. Somehow, he got hit by a truck that was exiting the school parking lot. He's OK, but this caused the school board to bring out campus police to sit at the entrance every morning and afternoon. Crossing guards are not allowed to direct traffic anywhere in the county! Brilliant! (sarcasm)

This is great except that they have set it up that you can't turn left into or out of the parking lot. This was done without informing anyone. Now this wouldn't be so bad if the campus police were actually directing traffic. They aren't. They just have their lights on and some cones out. They either stand in front of their car or sit in the car, as was the case yesterday afternoon. I sat in the left turn lane for 10 minutes, watching the officer just sit in his car. It took the teacher who was calling out the carpool numbers, to yell across the street and tell us we couldn't turn in. Is it so hard to put out cones to block the lane or, egad! to direct traffic.

What makes things worse is, the police will not be out there after this week and the crossing guard will not be directing traffic.

Since parents can't turn left, there are all sorts of u-turns happening all in front of the school. The way I see it, all that has happened is the inevitable accident haFont sizes been moved further down the road. Traffic is backed up further, since there is only one way in and out.

What can we do? I'm glad you asked. With the safety of our children first and foremost in my thoughts, here is the name and phone number of the Chief of Campus Police. Chief DeCoursey 478.779.2040. website

I propose that we call him and express our concerns. Do it nicely and don't be a jerk. Tell them you are calling, because the "contact us" form on the website is offline. (I just checked it).

Maybe if that doesn't work, how about we call the Bibb County Sheriff's office?

What's next from the School Board? Numerous furlough days? (oh yeah, that's already happened) Let the school board know that we care about our children and their education.

What do you think the solution is? Please comment and let's get this fixed!



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